Richer Health and our sister company the Green Moustache offer educational programs to accomplish our mission: to educate 22 million people, by the year 2030, on reversing their chronic disease using FOOD AS MEDICINE. Our courses are suited for individuals suffering from a chronic disease, those looking to keepĀ healthy and fit, companies who want to increase productivity in the workplace, chefs who want to change the world, and teachers who want to educate the young minds of tomorrow.

Nutrition + Detox: Chronic Disease Reversal Coach Certification

When you become a Richer Health Certified Coach, you'll be able to confidently educate and support your clients in reversing their chronic illnesses.

Learn the Art and Science of metabolic nutrition and detoxification, launch or scale your health business from the ground up, and reclaim your health and help others do the same. The Nutrition + Detox course consists of live, interactive coaching, unlimited online access to course materials, and an online community of people on the same journey as you.

Become a Coach!

Chef Certification Course

We know that chefs are the key to helping millions of people reverse their chronic diseases one meal at a time. This course equips restaurants and their chefs trained with using food as medicine and adding healing dishes to their menus. If you knew that you could play a part in reversing disease simply using plant-based whole foods in your restaurant, while still maintaining a profit, and attracting more customers to your locations, wouldn't you do it?

If you knew that you could play a part in reversing disease simply by learning the Art and Science of using plant-based whole foods in your restaurant, while still maintaining a profit, and attracting more customers to your locations, why wouldn’t you do it?

Get On The Waitlist

Richer at Work

Richer at Work is accessible to you no matter where you are!

Kicking off with a customized company-wide workshop for you and your team, Nicolette will continue to support your employees live each week for 6 months. In addition, each employee will be given lifetime access to the 6-week Richer at Work online course, a copy of the Eat Real to Heal book, and access to a private online community. From there, we will deliver a pre and post program measurement report that tracks employee health changes.

$25,000 CAD

Teacher's Kit Presale

Inspired by theĀ Grounded in my RootsĀ short film following Nicolette Richer's journey with reconnecting with her ancestral food ways, the Teacher's Kit contains 8 weeks' worth of materials for teachers, educators, home-schoolers, and parents to share with their kids!

Created for a grade 4-6 level,Ā from nutrition to decolonizing our food systems, the Teacher's Kit goes beyond the Canada Food Guide.

$247.00 CAD

Decolonizing Your Plate: 6-Week Challenge

A 6-WEEK online course to learn how to reclaim your health, reverse chronic illnesses, and gain more energy by decolonizing your kitchen, plates, medicine cabinet, and lives.

You’ll learn the 4 steps to reversing chronic disease using ancestral clean, fresh, whole foods as medicine. All lectures, meal plans, and resources teach you how to create a lifestyle that will eradicate inflammation, heal your gut, restore nutrient deficiencies, repair your detoxification systems, and rebuild your metabolic health the way your ancestors did for millions of years. Learn to live a life free of pain with an abundance of energy and realize your innate health and happiness.

Learn more

Eat Real to Heal Online Course

Eat Real to Heal is the 5-week program that will transform your lifestyle, your health, and your happiness.

Focused on eliminating harmful elements from your diet, Eat Real to Heal takes drastic measures in order to make drastic changes to the health of those suffering from a chronic disease. The course involves unlimited access to online materials, an online community for discussion, and weekly live Q+A sessions.

$297.00 USD